Adorable Photos: Couple Welcomes Quadruplets, Their Rainbow Babies

This lovely couple tried for over a year to expand their family after the birth of their son, Carson. They made the decision to undergo reproductive treatments after suffering several tragic miscarriages. For a while it seemed like even that wouldn’t work. Lindsay and Syman went through two more failed pregnancies after starting treatment.


But hope is what gets us through those times, though, and finally, Lindsay and Syman received the incredible news that they were expecting not one, but four babies! Three boys and a girl. It was a shock, a joy and a slightly surreal experience.


Speaking about this photoshoot, Megan, who photographed the foursome’s new photos, said she couldn’t even tell how excited she was. Although she has photographed twins and triplets, this was her first session with four babies at once. She added that she was totally amazed at how well mom and dad managed to take care of four babies and a toddler. And big brother Carson was a sweetheart.


A beautiful family portrait for Lindsay and Syman.


A simple setup with all four babies, Caiden, Lucas, Grayson and Madison, snuggled together on a simple ivory blanket is pure and simple.


There were a few other shots that weren’t planned, like those forty sweet little toes, all lined up!


Rainbow babies, like these newborn quadruplets, are so called because their arrival is like the joy of a rainbow after a storm of pain and grief.


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