Descubrimiento poco común: momias antiguas desenterradas en Egipto

El equipo arqueológico trabaja nuevamente en el sitio arqueológico de Saqqara (foto: Reuters) Reuters informó el 26 de enero, en el complejo de…

Egipto: El primer vistazo a la ‘Ciudad Dorada’ de los faraones de hace 3000 años

Esta es la ciudad antigua "más grande" jamás descubierta en Egipto. La ciudad fue construida por uno de los gobernantes más importantes de…

“Courageous Lioness Carrying Her Nine-Week-Old Cub Across a Raging River: A Heartwarming Motherly Moment (Video)”

Beautiful photos from a dramatic rescue by a mother lion and her young whelp. Very touching!  Photos are made by wildlife photographer Kyriakos Kaziras. …

“A Moving Meeting: Heartfelt Moment Between a Gorilla and a Park Ranger”

Nothing shows love and gratitude better than a hug, and this affectionate gorilla knows it! She decided to share some tender moments with…

Perro leal abandonado durante un mes sigue esperando pacientemente en la puerta el regreso de su dueño

Al ver la imagen de este perrito sentado frente a la casa esperando un mes entero bajo la lluvia y el sol, no…

“Scientists Capture a Bizarre Giant Bird with Enormous Wingspan”

In the vast expanses of our planet’s diverse ecosystems, one bird stands out as a majestic sentinel of the skies – the Cinereous…

“Unveiling the Secret Lair of a Astonishing 15-Meter-Long Ancient Giant Snake (Video)”

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the remarkable discovery of an ancient giant snake that has sent shockwaves tһгoᴜɡһoᴜt the world.…

Perro callejero abandonado en la calle durante 5 meses es rescatado: la desgarradora verdad se revela cuando la levantaron

Pasaron varios meses hasta que un perro chihuahua recibió la atención de la organización de rescate de animales Hope For Paws, una organización…

Video: Miraculous Intervention – Veterinarians Save Mother and Baby Elephants Trapped in Deep Pit.

After being caught in a storm in Thailand, a mother elephant and her calf fell into a 7ft deep hole. Unfortunately, the mother…

Video: Miraculous Rescue of Desperate Elephant from Deep Well Thanks to Physics.

The villagers in this remote area heard something strange noise in the morning. Soon they found that it’s a mournful trumpeting of a…

Video Delight: Adorable Baby Elephant Wins Hearts with Playful Antics on the Ball!

In an unexpected turn of events that could warm even the coldest of hearts, a young elephant calf found itself unwittingly becoming the…

Mother Elephant’s Brave Defense: Confronting a Lion to Shield Her Beloved Calf.

According to wildlife photographer Kevin Dooley, who photographed the sᴄᴇɴᴇs at Mana Pools National Park last month, the lionesses were ʜᴜɴᴛing a warthog…
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